Tuesday 12 February 2013

Harry's Ice Cream Co. - Lamington

Harry's Ice Cream Co is a new premium ice cream brand to hit the shelves of Woolworths, with three unique flavours released in September 2012 - Pavlova, Lamington, and Banana Caramel Swirl.

I went out today and picked up all three, and I couldn't resist reviewing the lamington for my first post. I was really interested in how it would turn out. The lamington is such an iconic Australian food and one of my favourite desserts as well. The container proclaims, "with chocolate, strawberry and coconut", which sounds about right - the lamingtons I've eaten have all consisted of the typical sponge cake fingers or cubes, dipped in chocolate icing and rolled in coconut, sometimes with cream in the middle - but I've never seen strawberry incorporated! 

Well, this looks pretty good! My first spoonful was of just the ice cream. I was immediately hit by a strong coconut flavour, but it wasn't unpleasant at all and just what you'd expect from a lamington flavoured ice cream. There's tiny bits of dessicated coconut in there too, which is a nice surprise!
The chocolate swirl was amazing too - dense and rich and tastes just like chocolate lamington icing.
I didn't get to any strawberries until much further down, and they were pretty tiny. I didn't taste them much unless I was really concentrating on them. I thought they'd be odd in a lamington flavoured ice cream, but they work nicely enough.

Texture-wise, well... though it's no fault of the ice cream itself (probably from either the supermarket freezer or the ride home) half was icy, like it had melted and been refrozen at one point. The other half was smooth and creamy and just like a premium ice cream should be. Weird how only half the container was affected, but whatever.

I really loved this ice cream. I found it hard to stop eating it. I expected I would though as I love lamingtons!

I'd give this a solid 9/10. The only reason it lost a point, in my opinion, is I think it could have done with some pieces of sponge cake instead of the strawberries! That, however, is my only complaint. This is excellent ice cream and tastes just like it's namesake.

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