Wednesday 10 April 2013

Baskin Robbins Flavour of the Month - Nutty Cream Cheese Brownie

Okay, seeing as my boyfriend and I usually go to Baskin Robbins at the start of every month to try their new flavour of the month (and maybe pick up a tub of an old favourite too), I should start writing about them too.

This month's flavour is Nutty Cream Cheese Brownie. I'll be honest, the title doesn't make it sound too appetising. The website describes it as "Chocolate fudge ice cream with a cream cheese frosting ribbon, brownie pieces and walnut pieces throughout". And it actually sounds quite delicious.

Anyway, we had a sample taste of this ice cream, and decided we were definitely going to buy a pint of it. It honestly tastes exactly like a brownie that has been liquified and then frozen, odd as that sounds. The chocolate is extremely rich, meaning that the cream cheese frosting was difficult to detect, which was my only complaint. The brownie squares were small but moist and plentiful, as were the walnuts, which added a nice crunch.

I definitely enjoyed this flavour of the month and wish it wasn't around for a limited time!

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